Now that I’ve got you hooked…
On a side-note…It’s a droll fact about the human character that we enjoy gossip so much. Gossip is, by definition, idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of others, and probably the foundation for that old adage ’sticks and stones’. It is amazing to me that humans, the race of so-called ‘great thinkers’ on this Earth waste so much of their talent and energy on destructive behaviour. As if the physical atrocities of war and violence weren’t enough, we wage a daily verbal and written war amongst each other and the trump card for that game is gossip. To quote the music group Dilated Peoples, “The pen is mightier than the sword. The pen gives the word sending swords to war.” And on that note, I will end my bitter diatribe and move on to the fluffier stuff of this journal.
In truth, I have fallen for someone else, but it’s more of an ‘as well as’ case than an ‘instead of’ one (I really do adore my husband). I have fallen head-over-heels for my son. No matter how much you prepare yourself, no matter how many books or articles you read, how many people you pester for all of their parenting wisdom and stories, you will inevitably be swept off your feet by the intoxicating love of your baby. There is no way to know until you know. I have fallen in just such a way for my boy, and would have no matter what he was like, but his toothless grins, chubby cheeks and charming little baby personality are just so downright adorable, they make it all but impossible to swoon whenever I am near him. In fact, he has this effect on all women and most men. So now I have professed in words my adoration for him.
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