It hasn’t been often that I’ve stayed up late the last little while. I seem to be, if only temporarily, devoid of my insomnia, which is a rather great thing. It’s nice to walk through the world all day with your eyes more than half open. But tonight, I found myself meandering toward the computer on my way to bed (although my computer is not literally on my way to bed). And after turning on iTunes and picking out some great late night mellow songs, I went straight to my blog, because of all of my websites, I have been neglecting this one the most lately, although it has been getting the most attention.
So what to blog about now? Well, the mundane, of course.
A few days ago, while updating my firefox web browser, I found a great little add-on called FoxyTunes. This is a wonderful little gadget, that when installed, puts a little control panel in the bottom of your web browser so that you can play, pause, stop, skip tracks, and even eject in whichever music program you happen to use. For iTunes, this is especially great, because with no controls in the taskbar, I have to keep flipping back and forth to the program to change songs, etc. So that is just one of the little delights I’ve had this week.
Other snippets of pure happiness this week: Intrepid repeating my name (Mama) after me and giving me the sweetest, most heartwarming smile afterward. Going for walks, Comic walking Mooch, me pushing Intrepid in his stroller, around the back streets of our neighbourhood around sunset. An amazing time in my husband’s arms, that lasted two hours, just holding each other and talking and laughing like we used to when we first fell in love. (I remember going through withdrawal if we didn’t cuddle at least once a day). Getting my haircut and feeling sexy again. A now rare middle of the night cuddle and play with Intrepid one night when he woke up crying. Finally putting together a photo album of all of Intrepid’s pictures thus far. Visiting with my Grandparents (who I love like parents and whom mean everything to me).
I guess tonight was a self taught lesson. Sometimes, talking about the mundane can make things a little or a lot clearer for you. I realized just how fantastic a week I’ve had and that everything is finally starting to come together for me again, as I knew it eventually would. And now, I think, to bed.
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