Wednesday, August 15, 2007

On Writing

I’ve been reading up on blogging a bit so that I can become a better blogger. I’m pretty new to this whole gig. The one thing that stands out is that you must blog often, so even though I am currently suffering from a severe lack of inspiration for anything resembling a great piece of writing, I’m going to write anyway.

I’ve had journals in the past. I’ve gotten excited about the idea, gone out and purchased a suitable book to write in, come home and made it my own, but I’ve never really stuck to it for longer than a couple of months at a time. My parents gave me a journal on my 19th birthday and my Mom, who is a calligrapher wrote quotes along the side of every single page to inspire me. I thought it was fantastic and I cherished it so much, in fact, that I carried it with me through two moves, and around Australia and back again without even writing in it, because I couldn’t seem to come up with anything I thought was worthy of this great book! This was very foolish of me, because when I write regularly, first of all, it’s very therapeutic and second, I actually come up with some decent content! (I have since written in said journal)

Although writing in a journal has its rewards, I prefer to type my thoughts, mostly because I can type almost as fast as I can think, whereas when I’m writing on paper, I get frustrated because I can’t seem to write fast enough to keep up with my mind. Hence, this blog. It’s great to be creative, to stretch my writing muscles and write about all kinds of profound subjects, but on occasion, it’s just good to write about the mundane. Sometimes I get this head rush, where everything swirls around in my mind like a tornado of thoughts and I can’t slow it down until I pour it all out onto paper or into keyboard. Then I breathe a sigh of relief and resume living.

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